Future Simple (Going to)

The Future Simple tense, often referred to as “going to,” is used to express actions or events that are planned or are likely to happen in the future based on current evidence. It’s a versatile tense suitable for making predictions, stating intentions, and discussing future plans. This tense is characterized by the phrase “going to.”


To form the Future Simple tense with “going to,” you typically use the following structure:

Subject + “am/is/are” (depending on the subject) + “going to” + base form of the verb (infinitive).

Here’s the basic structure:


  • Subject + am/is/are + “going to” + base verb

Example: “I am going to travel.”


  • Subject + am not/isn’t/aren’t + “going to” + base verb

Example: “She isn’t going to attend the meeting.”

Interrogative (Question):

  • Am/Is/Are + subject + “going to” + base verb

Example: “Are you going to come to the party?”


The Future Simple tense with “going to” is used to indicate actions, events, or situations that are planned, intended, or likely to happen in the future. It is often used for:

Intentions and plans:

“I am going to start a new job next week.”

Predictions based on current evidence:

“The sky is so dark; it’s going to rain.”

Future actions that are almost certain:

“She looks tired. She is going to fall asleep.”

Offers or promises:

“Don’t worry; I am going to help you with your project.”


The pronunciation of “going to” is typically /ˈɡoʊɪŋ tuː/ with stress on “go” in spoken language.

[wɪl] (will) [ˈaɪ ˌæm ˈɡoʊɪŋ tuː] (I am going to) [ʃi ɪznt ˈɡoʊɪŋ tuː] (she isn’t going to)


Complete the Sentences:

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parentheses in the Future Simple tense with “going to.”

She _______________ (go) to the concert tomorrow.

They _______________ (not cook) dinner tonight.

I _______________ (help) you with the assignment.

True or False:

Decide whether the statements are true or false based on the sentences.

“I am going to visit Paris next year.” (True)

“She is going to travel back in time.” (False)

“They aren’t going to come to the party.” (True)

Question Time:

Create questions using the Future Simple tense with “going to” to inquire about future plans or predictions. Then, have a conversation with a partner.

Example: “Are you going to attend the conference next month?”

“Is she going to join us for dinner?”

“Are they going to finish the project on time?”

Make Predictions:

Make predictions about your partner’s future actions, and have them confirm or correct you.

Example: “You are going to read a book this weekend.”

“You won’t watch a movie tonight.”

“You are going to have lunch at your favorite restaurant.”

Practicing the Future Simple tense with “going to” through exercises like these will help you confidently express future actions, decisions, and predictions.

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