Future Continuous


The Future Continuous tense is constructed by combining two key components:

  1. The future tense of the verb “to be” (will be) based on the subject (will be for “I,” “you,” “we,” and “they,” and will be for “he,” “she,” and “it”).
  2. The base form of the main verb + “-ing.”

Here’s the basic structure:


  • Subject + will be + base verb + “-ing”
    • For example: “I will be working.”


  • Subject + will not (won’t) be + base verb + “-ing”
    • For instance: “She won’t be attending the meeting.”

Interrogative (Question):

  • Will + subject + be + base verb + “-ing”
    • As in the question: “Will you be coming to the party?”

The Future Continuous tense is employed to signify actions, events, or situations that will be ongoing at a specific time in the future. It portrays actions that will be in progress, providing a sense of continuity. This tense serves various purposes:

  • Describing actions that will be taking place at a particular moment in the future:
    • “At 9 AM tomorrow, I will be giving a presentation.”
  • Expressing expectations about future actions:
    • “I will be waiting for your call.”
  • Providing polite inquiries or making future plans:
    • “Will you be attending the conference next week?”
  • Predicting events that are anticipated to be in progress at a certain time in the future:
    • “By 5 PM, they will be finishing the project.”

There is no unique pronunciation associated with the Future Continuous tense. Proper pronunciation entails clear articulation of words, following standard English pronunciation rules.


Complete the Sentences: Fill in the blanks with the correct verb forms from the parentheses in the Future Continuous tense.

  1. She _______________ (dance) at the party when I arrive.
  2. They _______________ (study) for the exam at this time tomorrow.
  3. I _______________ (work) on the project during the meeting.

True or False: Determine whether the statements are true or false based on the sentences.

  1. “He will be sleeping when we call.” (True)
  2. “She will be traveling to the moon.” (False)
  3. “They won’t be reading during the lecture.” (True)

Question Time: Construct questions employing the Future Continuous tense to inquire about future actions and plans. Subsequently, engage in conversations with a partner.

  1. “Will you be joining us for dinner tonight?”
  2. “Will she be studying when I call tomorrow?”
  3. “Will they be working on the assignment during the weekend?”

Describe Future Scenarios: Use the Future Continuous tense to narrate future scenarios where actions will be ongoing.

  1. “Tomorrow, as the sun sets, I will be strolling along the beach.”
  2. “By next year, they will be celebrating their 50th anniversary.”
  3. “In a few hours, the team will be competing in the championship.”

Engaging in exercises such as these enhances your proficiency in employing the Future Continuous tense to convey ongoing actions and events scheduled for the future.

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