Conversation Course

Course Title: Conversational Mastery

Course Description: The “Conversational Mastery” course at Summit in English is designed to enhance the speaking and listening skills of intermediate to advanced English learners. This interactive course focuses on practical conversations, vocabulary expansion, and fluency development. Each level provides opportunities for learners to engage in meaningful discussions and improve their communication skills.

Course Levels:

Level 1: Intermediate Conversations

  • Duration: 1 month
  • Frequency: 2 days a week
  • Session Length: 1.5 hours per session

Course Highlights:

  • Engage in real-life conversations on various topics.
  • Expand vocabulary and expressions for daily communication.
  • Develop effective listening and speaking skills.
  • Participate in group discussions and role-playing activities.
  • Receive constructive feedback and individualized coaching.

Level 2: Advanced Conversations

  • Duration: 1 month
  • Frequency: 2 days a week
  • Session Length: 1.5 hours per session

Course Highlights:

  • Delve into advanced conversational topics, including debates and discussions on current issues.
  • Enhance your language proficiency, fluency, and pronunciation.
  • Practice presenting and defending opinions.
  • Collaborate with peers to foster effective communication.
  • Prepare for more complex conversational scenarios.

Level 3: Mastery of Communication

  • Duration: 1 month
  • Frequency: 2 days a week
  • Session Length: 1.5 hours per session

Course Highlights:

  • Refine your communication skills for professional and social settings.
  • Explore public speaking techniques and storytelling.
  • Practice critical thinking and persuasive speaking.
  • Work on accent reduction and pronunciation accuracy.
  • Build the confidence to engage in high-level discourse.

Suitable For:

  • Intermediate to advanced English learners who want to enhance their conversation and communication skills.
  • Students looking to improve their fluency, vocabulary, and ability to engage in meaningful discussions.

Course Benefits:

  • Improved spoken English proficiency.
  • Increased confidence in conversational situations.
  • Enhanced vocabulary and expressions.
  • Interaction with like-minded peers.
  • Skills applicable in real-life situations.

Enroll in the “Conversational Mastery” course at Summit in English to become a more confident and skilled communicator in English.